Moving to Substack — Focus on Star Wars and Video Game Novels

Jesse Bartel
1 min readMay 18, 2023

Hello all,

I don’t use Medium all that much anymore. The platform is not what is used to be and my time here was/is unfocused.

I always want a project to work on with my writing and made the decision to move over to Substack.

I have a clear focus with 3 months worth of weekly content mapped out. I will be focused on Star Wars and video game novels.

I may come back here from time to time to write personal essays but I’m honestly tired of writing about myself. I’m sober, medicated again, in therapy and happy to finally have goals.

So, if you would like to follow me over to substack please follow this link to my first post.

Thank you all for your support on here and hope you join me on the otherside.

  • Jesse

